Adobe Genuine Software Verification Failure Crack For Mac

Adobe software is among the most expensive out there, so it should come as little surprise that the likes of Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat are among the most commonly pirated titles. In a bid to clamp down on piracy, the company has launched a new initiative that seeks out 'non-genuine software' and issues warnings to people.

At the moment it appears as though the checks are restricted to the US and Adobe seems to be checking Acrobat X licenses. But while the scope is limited right now, it's hard to imagine that the Software Integrity Service checks won't be rolled out on a wider scale and include more Adobe products.

Windows XP Genuine Advantage Validation Issues (Windows XP). I just found installing other software that it didn't update my registery. They send you to an Adobe site that describes the fix for generic install problems. I download the subinacl from MS, followed the adobe directions to reset registry permissions (of course *I. Adobe Genuine Verification Failure The product you are trying to install is not an Adobe Genuine Software and appears to be counterfeit. Please report piracy or contact customer support for assistance.

The validation system bears more than a passing resemblance to Microsoft's Windows Genuine Advantage program. It is not really being billed as a way to ensure that Adobe gets its money, rather that it is a way to protect people against potentially dangerous unofficial software. Adobe says:

Adobe Genuine Software Validation Failure

Adobe now runs validation tests and notifies people who are using non-genuine software. Our tests check for software tampering and invalid licenses.

If you've received a notification, that means the software on your machine isn't a genuine Adobe product. It isn't covered by a warranty or our support programs. And because it may not perform as we intended, it could pose risks to you and your work.

Oddly, there are no penalties -- for now -- if non-genuine software is detected. The little popup that appears simply reads: 'Adobe validation testing has found this copy of Acrobat is not genuine. Click here so we can help. For more information, visit:'.

According to TorrentFreak, Adobe says that no one will get into trouble for running non-genuine software, and the popup can be clicked away. The Adobe Genuine Software website gives no indication that non-genuine software will be limited, and simply advises that users uninstall the offending software and report the retailer they bought it from.

Photo credit:Waldemarus / Shutterstock

Active5 months ago

The problem I am having is that whatever I do or disable I cannot stop AcroTray.exe from Adobe starting at boot and doing... whatever it is that it is doing, until it is stopped manually via task manager:

Naturally I disabled it on 'Start-up':

And even set to 'stopped' all services that are related with Adobe:

  • AdobeARMService
  • AGSService

Adobe DC, Acrobat Reader X & Creative Cloud are all set to manual or no updates (inside the applications).

I have tried:

  • Deleting the exe - just gets put back silently, like a virus
  • Quarantining the app via virus protection software - This sort of works, but I get a popup at each start up warning that AcroTray.exe has tried to start which is just as frustrating
  • 'Locking' the folder via 3rd party app - stops it, but pops up a warning every boot again

I understand that this app does something but I want explicit control of when it does that and I absolutely hate that it ignores being disabled. All the other Adobe helper apps launch when one of the suite of programs is started and that is totally fine, that's what they are supposed to do, but AcroTray seemingly can't be prevented from running at boot and sitting there in the running processes, glowering at me.

Is there anyway to stop AcroTray.exe starting at boot other than uninstalling Adobe DC &/or Acrobat Reader X (that doesn't also replace it starting with some kind of warning or pop up)?

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2 Answers

  1. Go to Services.msc (hit Win and write in searchservices.msc) and run it as Administrator. Here set Adobe Acrobat Update and Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Services to manuall.
  2. From Windows Task Manager → Start-up Tab disable the Adobe related programs.
  3. Download Autoruns utility and disable here also various Adobe related programs like Adobe Updater Startup Utility and Acrobat Assistant (AcroTray) and maybe Adobe Acrobat Synchronizer. But be careful, if you are not sure about something,then leave it be.
  4. Download ShellExView, go to Options and select Show 32-bitShell Ex extensions. Now disable the Adobe Acrobat Create PDF from Selection, Adobe Acrobat Create PDF Helper and Adobe Acrobat Create PDF Toolbar. Now in Options deselect Show 32-bit Shell Extensions and disable again the above items plus Acrobat Elements Context Menu.
  5. Now Kill the AcroTray.exe from Task Manager. Sign out and Sign in into Windows. Open Task Manager and observe the Task Manager for AcroTray.exe entry. Right Click on some .pdf file (image or office file) on your desktop and you will see that AcroTray is not starting to run anymore in your Task Manager. If this is the case you made it!
  6. Run Task Scheduler, check for Adobe Tasks (if any) and disable them.

Explanation: The first, second and third step disable Adobe related programs from running at Windows OS startup. But AcroTray.exe is invoked by right clicking on files and folders (windows context menu). It is responsible for the Adobe related entries in the context menu. The biggest problem of all is that right clicking is much slower, because AcroTray.exe must be first started.

Now AcroTray.exe won't be starting anymore when right clicking on Files/Folders. But other programs might start AcroTray.exe if there is a dependency. For example if you open Outlook 2013 and navigate to the Tab Adobe PDF and select a item from here it will start AcroTray.exe.

The fourth step: stop invoking AcroTray.exe when right clicking on files

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Adobe Not Genuine Fix Mac

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For Windows 10:

  1. Press the Windows+R keys, type services.msc in the dialog box and press Enter. Once the services window is opened, double click on all the Adobe services, click Stop then click the drop down menu and select Disable.

  2. Right click on the task bar, click Task Manager, go to Startup and disable all Adobe services.

  3. Press Windows+R and in the dialog box type msconfig, under General change from Normal to Selective startup and tick the boxes for Load system services and Load startup items.

Adobe Software Not Genuine Message

This solved the problem for me.

Adobe Genuine Software Verification Failure

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Adobe Genuine Software Verification Failure Fix Mac


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