How To Make A Mac Recognize A Usb Headset For Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect will open and you will see your name listed as a participant listed under ‘Attendees’. To make sure that your audio is set up, click on ‘Meeting’ in the upper left hand corner.

  • And selected my Logitech USB Headset. If you can’t see the name of your headset +. Adobe Connect Trouble Shooting 3. Adobe is currently investigating the development of a future update to the Adobe Connect Addin and - plans to make this update compatible with Mac OS X Lion.
  • Then connect the USB-C port of the adapter into the iMac's USB-C port. 'To join in you need a headset which has a USB connection to your computer. If you have a camera with a built-in microphone, or a built-in microphone in your laptop they will work, too, but the quality may not be so good. Adobe Connect is not very compatible with.
  • Topics: Active | Unanswered
  • » Adobe Connect 9
  • » Playback switches to internal speakers whenever mic is enabled

#12014-08-25 15:27:04

Playback switches to internal speakers whenever mic is enabled

Hi, one of our users is having an odd issue. Whenever she enables her microphone in Connect, it switches the playback from her headset to her internal speakers. Her iMac didn't have a microphone-in port, so she's using a Logitech headset-to-USB adapter (this one).

It's not a system issue, because non-Connect sounds still play in the headset while this is happening.

The user is remote, so I can't troubleshoot on-site, but from what she's described to me it sounds like Connect is unable to recognize the adapter properly or something. Any ideas?

#22014-08-25 15:37:11

Re: Playback switches to internal speakers whenever mic is enabled

It could be Flash not working correctly with the adaptor, or it could be the Mac OS. Without being able to actually trouble shoot, it's hard to say.

Maybe the application is only allowed to use the mic or the speakers at one time through that adaptor? Are there drivers for that adaptor that can be installed/updated?

How To Set Up A Usb Headset For Xbox One

Has the user tried getting a USB headset with a mic? Does it function properly? If so, that would indicate that there is some conflict with the adaptor.

#32014-08-26 18:55:36

Re: Playback switches to internal speakers whenever mic is enabled

I am also having this problem, as is one of my users. We're both on Macs using Logitech H390 usb headsets. I am in OSX vr 10.9.3, Firefox 31, and Flash

#42014-09-11 08:12:35

Re: Playback switches to internal speakers whenever mic is enabled

#52014-09-24 16:06:07

How To Make A Mac Recognize A Usb Headset For Adobe Connect Download

Re: Playback switches to internal speakers whenever mic is enabled

Myself and one other colleague have had this same issue too with our Macs/headsets. After a few 'back and forths' between the direct Sound settings via System Preferences and the Audio Setup Wizard, it did finally seem to 'kick in' that we wanted sound to come through our headset not the external speakers within the meeting room. In my case, I was using Firefox and in his he was on Safari. When his problem occurred today, he even opened up a new browser tab, pulled up a YouTube video and that sound did come through his headphone but even after switching back to the meeting room a moment later, the sound for the meeting room was coming through his speakers. Like I said eventually, it finally did stick but we are not sure which 'sequence of clicks' finally got the sound coming through the headset for the Connect session. I'm pretty sure we both have the most updated Meeting Add-in but will double check.

I have also been getting a 'plug-in failure' when I run the Adobe Connect test. It gets hung up on the connection speed test and I can't even get to the point where it has confirmed if I have the right add in.

  • » Adobe Connect 9
  • » Playback switches to internal speakers whenever mic is enabled

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You can use a wide rangeof hardware inputs and outputs with Adobe Audition. Sound card inputslet you bring in audio from sources such as microphones, tape decks,and digital effects units. Sound card outputs let you monitor audio throughsources such as speakers and headphones.

A. Sound card inputs connect to sources such as microphonesand tape decks. B. Sound card outputs connectto speakers and headphones.

Whenyou configure inputs and outputs for recording and playback, Adobe Auditioncan use these kinds of sound card drivers:

  • In Windows,ASIO drivers support professional cards and MME drivers typically supportstandard cards.

  • In Mac OS, CoreAudio drivers support both professional andstandard cards.

ASIO and CoreAudio drivers are preferablebecause they provide better performance and lower latency. You canalso monitor audio as you record it and instantly hear volume, pan,and effects changes during playback.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > AudioHardware (Windows) or Audition > Preferences > Audio Hardware(Mac OS).
  2. From the Device Class menu, choose the driver for thesound card you want to use.
  3. Note:

    In the Multitrack Editor, you can overridethe defaults for specific tracks. See Assignaudio inputs and outputs to tracks.

  4. (MME and CoreAudio) For Master Clock, choose the inputor output to which you want other digital audio hardware to synchronize(ensuring accurate alignment of samples).
  5. For I/O Buffer Size (ASIO and CoreAudio) or Latency (MME),specify the lowest setting possible without audio dropouts. Theideal setting depends on the speed of your system, so some experimentationmay be necessary.
  6. Choose a Sample Rate for the audio hardware. (For commonrates for different output mediums, see Understandingsample rate.)
  7. (Optional) To optimize the performance of ASIO and CoreAudiocards, click Settings. For more information, consult the documentationfor the sound card.
How to make a mac recognize a usb headset for adobe connect


How To Make A Mac Recognize A Usb Headset For Adobe Connect

How To Make A Mac Recognize A Usb Headset For Adobe Connect

By default, Adobe Audition controls ASIO sound cardswhile playing or monitoring audio. If you want to access the cardin another application, select Release ASIO Driver In Background.(Audition still controls the card while recording to avoid havingrecordings suddenly stop.)

Apply machine-specific hardware settings for network users

How To Use A Usb Headset For Xbox 360

In network environments, Audition preferences are storedwith each user account. For editing, interface, and other preferences,this creates a customized experience for each user. Audio hardwarepreferences, however, should typically remain consistent on a givenmachine, ensuring that inputs and outputs on the installed audiointerface are available in Audition.

How To Set Up A Usb Headset For Ps3

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > Audio Hardware(Windows) or Audition > Preferences > Audio Hardware (MacOS).

  2. At the bottom of the Audio Hardware settings, select UseMachine-Specific Device Defaults. (Deselect this option only ifusers move an assigned audio interface from machine to machine.)


To instead duplicate hardware settings from onemachine to others, search for and copy the MachineSpecificSettings.xmlfile.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences > AudioChannel Mapping (Windows) or Audition > Preferences > AudioChannel Mapping (Mac OS).

  2. To the far right of items in the Input and Output lists,click the triangles to choose a hardware port for each file channel.


This procedure also sets default outputs forthe Master track in the Multitrack Editor. To override the defaults,see Assignaudio inputs and outputs to tracks.


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